ПО для корпоративного поиска
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With more than 11,000 stargazers on GitHub, ArangoDB is the leading open-source multi-model graph database. Powering the concept of ‘graph and beyond,’ ArangoDB combines the power of graphs with JSON documents, a key-value store, and a full-text search engine, enabling developers to access and combine all of these data models with a single, elegant…
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Lookeen Desktop Search Finds Everything Your time is too valuable to waste on inefficient and ineffective search – use Lookeen to improve your productivity with its lightning fast file and email search. The Lookeen toolbar integrates itself smoothly into the Windows system tray and into Outlook. A professional solution for Outlook users with a high…
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Bonsai Search is a managed Elasticsearch, and the fastest way to search at any scale on AWS.
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X1 Search provides users the fastest, simplest way to find and work with the exact information they need and thought they’d never find again. By providing the fastest access to their documents and email, X1 Search unlocks the potential for people to leverage years of experience with just a few keystrokes, dramatically improve productivity, and function…
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No matter the source, bee4sense evaluates user context (data security, purpose of consultation, business criticality) to provide performant access to relevant data.
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Aiven for Elasticsearch is the most complete managed Open Source Elasticsearch solution on the market. Cloud-native, full-featured, and backed by a 99.99% SLA, you can immediately launch a fully operational Elasticsearch cluster in the AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure region of your choice. Check out some of the top features: • Equipped with Kibana •…
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Askdata transforms your organization by unlocking the power of your data with a combination of machine learning and AI-driven search analytics. This App allows end business users to type natural language questions and retrieve real-time information from any SAP data source.
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GeneralKB provides many easy ways to capture and store information. It is also a powerful information organizer, notes manager and PIM to help you keep track of your data and provide fast retrieval.
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intergator is all about an intelligent company-wide and cross-system search engine, based on machine learning, which ensures that you quickly and easily access information within your enterprise. Regardless of whether the content is on file servers, databases, archives, DMS (data management systems) or emails, intergator indexes all these sources of…
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SearchTap is a subscription-based hosted search solution for websites, mobile apps, and enterprise software. Our product can be easily integrated to provide the best-in-class search experience with minimal involvement of a development team. SearchTap solves search and discovery problems for e-commerce businesses and cuts the search time to just…
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IAMBot is the platform to automate the interaction between a business and its clients, utilizing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and self-learning algorithms based on the latest scientific advances.
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Outmind gives you instant access to your (documents, emails, conversations...) to make you gain in quality and efficiency. On average, more than 80% of information is inaccessible and/or undocumented. With Outmind, you don't re-create existing documents: you can start from internal reference documents. And when they are not shared or non-existent…
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Funnelback is a smart search platform that gives your team the ability to promote results, customize the look and feel of your search, harvest insights from search data and unite separate content systems into a single search.
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DEVONagent Pro queries all major and minor search engines, weeds out all the junk, and presents the really good stuff nicely ranked the way you want.
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DocFetcher is an Open Source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer.
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File search engine working with Microsoft Outlook helping to locate, retrieve, organize and share any data anywhere.
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DataFinder Server helps you search and manage your team's measurement data regardless of location or file type with automated data standardization and an automatically built, searchable index that anyone can use to find the data they need.
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Noggle is a standalone desktop search and knowledge assistant application to provide fast and simple access to the information you need.