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Generate an easy to use shortlink that sends your customers right to the review box on Google.

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MyLnk is a link shortener and URL management platform designed to help marketers to customize and personalize the web links.

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Adatch is a matchmaking app for influencer / online marketing campaigns, publisher and blogger relations. Social media influencer, blogger, app developer, digital publisher, websites and podcasts present their marketing campaigns/concepts. Right now, Adatch app is only available in the German-speaking market (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland).

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A reputation and social verification tool for P2P marketplaces and sharing economy businesses

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Dizply is an app that simplifies the process of managing and production of ad formats for ad agencies, media houses, and freelancers. It allows users to create campaigns that contain all the formats needed for the online campaign to happen - HTML5 banners, static banners (jpg, png, gif, etc.), HTML newsletters and many other formats.

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The dJAX ad server for agencies provides simple ad serving solution to the advertising agencies by allowing them to set up an independent ad network that can simplify the ad operations for all users in the network.

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At Healthgrades, we have access to the largest set of healthcare consumer data anywhere — and we know how to use it. From healthgrades.com to healthcare CRM, our powerful tools aggregate and organize data in an accessible, actionable way that informs both marketing and business decisions.

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PMMI Media Group is a B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain.

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Influencer marketing platform and network, connecting advertisers with social media influencers.

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We've reinvented the press release. PressCable exists to provide content creators, brands, and storytellers alike with access to large scale online distributors and news aggregates. This creates an even playing field for anyone to have their news seen and build top of mind brand awareness. Through a simple to use and pre-formatted platform we've designed…
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RAP Index is a revolutionary, easy-to-use, web-based tool that uncovers hidden personal relationships between stakeholders and public officials. RAP Index was specifically designed to enable clients to find the right stakeholder, to deliver the right message, in the right way.

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RBLTracker is an automated monitoring service that checks IP addresses and website domains against the most frequently used real-time black lists, safe browsing databases, and social media threat exchanges.
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Sonar's Data AI technology quickly fetches and analyzes millions of public and private data sets to identify and extract contact information of viable "in the market" businesses looking for your product or service. SonarTM can build highly targeted business to business campaigns by building custom audiences that meet your company's criteria. Custom…
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Swapi is the global loyalty wallet that allows you to consolidate and swap points & cashback between schemes and multiple industries.

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Testelium is the new generation platform enabling various businesses, large enterprises, cloud service providers, and IT innovators. It aims to motivate your SMS providers to supply only the first-class quality channels for any kind of business.

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Votion platform enables marketers to quickly build, launch and measure the success of highly engaging interactive content in any channel.

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performinc provides a software solutions for performance company that provide data visualization, campaign controling and fraud prevention.