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leaddoubler логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Setup online calculators in minutes directly from Excel and manage incoming leads automatically through our cloud based setup.

rocketium логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Rocketium's suite of products makes graphic design production fast and scalable. In doing so, we unlock massive opportunities for different teams in an organization - be it marketers and design teams working on high-performance campaigns or brand managers and business stakeholders that want flexibility in the process as well as control over the brand. #…

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ada логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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ADA is an AI-based software suite that offers a Push, Action Oriented, Content-Marketing System (CMS) designed specifically for Mobile Device.

photofy логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Photofy is the easiest way to make great content for your personal or business needs.

content launch логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Content Launch is a content discovery and distribution platform that is simplified.

easycontent логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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EasyContent is a Content Collaboration and Workflow Management platform. It enables teams to create and review content and publish it to Wordpress CMS with just one click of a button. Website owners and content marketing agencies can use EasyContent to organize their content approval process and effectively manage their writing teams.

edition digital логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Edition Digital publishing software unites all five crucial points of effective digital publishing; CREATING, MANAGING, DISTRIBUTING, MONETISING and ANALYSING. Create interactive and engaging content without coding and distribute it across all platforms – tablets, mobile and desktop.

piano esp логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Content marketing cloud for news organizations, powered by machine learning

contentgems логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Accelerate your Content Marketing

ludlow логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Learns customer preferences and generates highly targeted newsletters to each individual in your email list.

mavsocial логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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MavSocial is a simple and affordable social media management and advertising platform used by thousands of marketers, businesses, and agencies to streamline their social media activities. The platform enables marketers to curate and store content, schedule and automate posts, engage with audiences, listen to industry trends, monitor analytics, build…

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taggbox widget логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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limber логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Limber is a SaaS platform that enables you to greatly increase the visibility of your corporate content thanks to relaying by collaborators and partners on social networks. A solution that enables the implementation of Employee Advocacy strategies, Inbound Marketing and Social Selling. A single platform to manage your content marketing campaigns and…

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connatix логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Connatix is the next-generation video technology company that empowers publishers and advertisers to deliver successful video experiences to audiences at scale. We believe in the power of engaging content and are on a mission to build first-to-market video technologies that are optimized to elevate performance. From powerful video formats to our…

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kudani логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Kudani offers content marketing solution for small businesses.

media bridge логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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readpeak логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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ReadPeak is a forerunner in content driven digital marketing. ReadPeak believes in good content and focused targeting when it comes to marketing.

brandlive events логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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With Brandlive, it's simple to host and stream elevated, customized virtual events that reflect your brand. The platform is designed for all your important virtual and hybrid events - like conferences, summits, fundraisers, all-company meetings, celebrations, and more. With the highest video production quality, the Brandlive product portfolio - Events…

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cognitives логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Cognitives is your all-in-one solution for managing your marketing content. Aligning your marketing team to drive successful multi-channel marketing, powered by compelling content.

crossengage логотип
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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CrossEngage allows you to send targeted and personalized CRM and marketing campaigns across all channels using your favorite tools. – Customer Data Platform: Understand every single customer by accessing all relevant data. – Cross-channel campaign management: Send personal messages through the right channel at the right time. – Integration of the best…

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