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zappaz логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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reelevant логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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Turn your mass marketing campaigns into individualized contents thanks to our AI-powered real-time content technology to drive more engagement and revenue

tractionnext логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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All of your communications, competitions and contacts in one place TractionNext provides a more relevant and engaging brand experience to customers. With real time insights and reporting across multiple digital channels all in the one place so you can easily leverage data intelligence to drive performance. Experts in end to end execution using inbuilt…

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adriel логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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Adriel is a revolutionary all-in-one platform that allows you to manage and optimize all of your digital marketing campaigns in just one place. Our award-winning technology centralizes all communication channels and key data into a single customizable platform to help your business deliver a higher performing promotional message across all channels. The…

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actusnews wire логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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Actusnews Wire is a press release service provider with a range of digital value-added services. Actusnews Wire has a strong position in press release distribution and regulatory disclosure with a professional accreditation by the French stock exchange regulatory authority (AMF) and the Luxembourg stock exchange regulatory authority (CSSF). Actusnews…

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spotright логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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SpotRight makes it fast and easy to define and view custom audiences, and target the people-based audiences across top media-buying platforms like Facebook, Google, and TheTradeDesk.

dstillery логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

3 Отзыва

Helping marketers build custom audiences and activate them across all screens.

choozle логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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Choozle – Digital Advertising Made Easy®—provides a digital advertising software platform that leverages detailed consumer data to power programmatic advertising campaigns across display, video, mobile and other mediums—all from a single, intuitive interface.

codec логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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Codec helps brands grow by connecting with culture. We provide AI-powered audience intelligence that gets under the skin of mass audiences by analysing the way that they naturally engage with content online. Our platform and consultancy service support brands in creating and activating messaging that resonates with audience passions and interests. We…

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near allspark логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

3 Отзыва

Near is a Location-aware Data Platform that helps you Unify & Enrich your data, Take action and Measure Results.

upcontent логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

3 Отзыва

Build trust and deepen relationships with curated content. A better way to discover, collaborate, and distribute relevant third-party content that helps turn leads into loyal customers. UpContent’s patent-pending technology helps reduce the amount of time spent searching for content by 65% on average and is available both as a standalone application as…

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rssflare логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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RSSFlare is a Web application to share #RSSFeed item on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

bright hooks a diy webhook library for marketo логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

3 Отзыва

Are you a Marketo Admin / Power user? Do you have a business case where you need to use Marketo Web hooks? Are you frustrated that you can not do so due to lack of coding and IT server setup related support? Here's how you can have your Marketo flow with web hooks up and running in next 10 minutes or less. Use BrightHooks.com [World's First Library of…

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limelight platform логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

3 Отзыва

Limelight Platform is the foremost resource for experiential marketing return on investment, live event data and insights. The robust all-in-one platform allows marketers to create, manage and measure experiential marketing campaigns and live events; crucial as the economy continues to reopen and the appetite for safe and secure human connection…

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smartmailer логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

3 Отзыва

Easy to use straightforward email marketing platform.

followus.com логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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FollowUs.com provides you with an address and a simple icon based landing page with your social media page links. It helps you to reduce the clutter in your advertisements, marketing material and email signatures and increases follower engagement by providing them with a simple memorable way to find you on the social media networks.

adnow логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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AdNow is a native advertising company that provides the content and product recommendation for users worldwide.

airkast логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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AirKast is a mobile publisher and ad network for broadcasters and media companies.

psyma логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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Psyma is an international market research solution.

systemads логотип
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

3 Отзыва

SystemAds helps businesses grow through high-performing Facebook Ads campaigns.

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