CIRA DNS Firewall Отзыв
Security, Network Security
Описание CIRA DNS Firewall
Uniquely Canadian cybersecurity delivered by CIRA.
The CIRA DNS Firewall delivers protection against malware and phishing attacks by blocking access to malicious websites at the DNS layer. And it does this only from servers located in Canada to improve performance, data privacy, and sovereignty.
Combining advanced data science, a global network for threat detection and decades of experience managing critical infrastructure to deliver a cost-effective and easy way to add to your defence-in-depth strategy. The unique threat intelligence is provided by Akamai and includes multiple additional feeds, like that from the Canadian Center for Cybersecurity. After-all you don't really have depth if your threat information all comes from the same source. On average we add more than 100,000 net new malicious URLs to the block list every day, and we do it within 14 minutes of the first query anywhere on the global network.
Protecting over 1.8 million Canadians and counting. As a non-profit, we work closely with network operators in Canada, keep all data sovereign and private, and give-back through grant programs and helps to build Canada's internet infrastructure.