Описание CONTENS
CONTENS is your central web content management platform to successfully run international websites, intranets, extranets, landingspages and newsletters. A particular strength is the easy management of different country- and language-versions of one or more websites.
Key benefits of CONTENS are:
- Clear User Interface: CONTENS offers a clearly structured WYSIWYG user interface, which makes it easy to create and change pages and content elements.
- Multiple Sites in 1 Installation: The CMS allows to manage multiple sites in a single installation (e.g. website, landingpages, intranet, partner portal,...).
- Structured Content: CONTENS can define clear structures that support the editors in their tasks. All areas and fields can be individually named and flexibly configured (e.g., optional / required, predefined values, etc.).
- Nested Content: Content objects can be nested in CONTENS, e.g. an image object in an article.
- Split Screen for Translations: Pages and articles can be displayed side by side in two different languages, making it very easy to compare them.
- Use Content Multiple Times: Content can be used multiple times in CONTENS in different places, e.g. an image on the start page, on an overview page and in a image gallery.
- Static and dynamic page generation: With CONTENS, content can be published statically, dynamically and hybrid, depending on the requirements.