- Очень удобный для пользователя
- Легкий доступ из любого места (мобильного или настольного)
- Можно получить доступ в любое время дня и ночи без необходимости подключения к Интернету.
- Отличное обслуживание клиентов, как по телефону, так и по электронной почте.

Ethicontrol Отзыв
HR, Whistleblowing
Описание Ethicontrol
Ethicontrol's outsourcing service is:
- a dedicated team within our contact center;
- a whistleblower's web-portal to register all anonymous messages within a protected cloud or your own infrastructure;
- online software for quick incident management and internal investigations case management.
Your independent and professional whistleblowing hotline from Ethicontrol is ready and does not require any implementation costs
Main features:
- Proprietary contact-center focused on business conduct and ethics
- Incident triage and prioritization
- Incident escalation beyond management level
- Feedback loops with anonymous whistleblowers
- User rights managements considering incident types, company units, cases and within single case
- Team roles matrixes
- Pending status control dashboard and statistics monitoring
- Links between cases. Incident split and merge
- Case materials assessments
- Multilingual web-capture and online software
- Compliance with international anticorruption and anti bribery laws
- Messages and notifications
- Audit trail
- Secure storage and data protection
- Также очень понравилось наличие множества различных способов входа в несколько учетных записей на разных устройствах (ПК).
- Некоторые трудности