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ForUsAll Отзыв
Очень хорошо
HR, 401(k) Software
Описание ForUsAll
ForUsAll is a 401(k) advisor platform for small and medium sized businesses. We combine automation with high-touch advisory services to reduce the work and increase the benefits to 401(k) sponsors and their employees.
By automating plan administration, regulatory compliance, investment management, and personalized employee communications, ForUsAll lowers your liability and improves employee outcomes, for 43% lower fees, on average.* And as an independent advisor, we can also keep investment fees low, helping your employees save more, faster.
Unlike traditional 401(k) advisors, ForUsAll provides comprehensive fiduciary protection, acting as both a 3(38) and 3(16) fiduciary. That means we assume fiduciary responsibility for managing your plan’s investments as well as its administration.
ForUsAll’s 360o integration between your payroll and recordkeeping systems keeps them automatically in sync through employee deferral updates, new loans, and other plan activity. In addition, for every employee, every payroll, our platform automatically runs 44 discrete checks to validate the data. If we find issues, we resolve them.
Our sponsor dashboard gives you transparency into your plan administration, so you know that things are being done and done right. Moreover, it keeps your critical documentation together, so you are audit-ready by design.
Best of all, ForUsAll upgrades your 401(k) to a state-of-the-art saving and wellness benefit with proven ROI. We have industry-leading participation and savings rates,** thanks in part to our virtual advisor, DAVE, which onboards participants and makes it easy for them to take action. In addition, our team of investment advisor representatives offers holistic, life stage-based financial advice that goes well beyond the 401(k).
*ForUsAll plan fees on LT Trust recordkeeper as compared to the 401(k) Book of Averages from 2018, 19th edition. Actual plan savings may vary and could be less than 43%.
**Clients who follow our plan design recommendations see 86% of participants join the Plan and save 8.4% of their paychecks, on average. Data as of October 2020.
- И, что еще лучше, экономит пользователям много драгоценных минут, предлагая им быстрый доступ 24/7, где бы они ни находились, будь то домашний офис
- Здесь ничего
- Мне нравится, что легко следить за часами и отчислениями
- Это все, что мне нужно для выплаты заработной платы