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MarketMan Отзыв



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Revainrating 4.5 out of 5  
Vertical Industry, Hospitality

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Описание MarketMan

MarketMan is a cloud-based inventory and supply management system designed specifically for restaurants and supply chains. The software comes with a full suite of features and tools designed to streamline and simplify essential inventory and supply management operations including budgeting, purchasing, order optimization, food costing, order handling, branding and catalog, supplier management, and more. MarketMan offers unparalleled versatility by enabling you to stay in control over your restaurant's inventory and other processes using your mobile phone, tablet, or PC. You can place orders for supplies using your smartphone app without worrying about miscalculations and unseen errors. MarketMan helps you boost your restaurant profitability as you can monitor changes in prices, track errors and shorts as well as food costs among others. MarketMan keeps your restaurant supply operations under control. You can easily delegate the right tasks to the right employees and supervise their work at any moment in time. The system sends alerts per email and phone in real-time and sends notifications based on POS sales depleting inventory levels.


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Тип отзыва

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Мой любимый POS для моего ресторана из-за простоты настройки

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