Описание PubSub+
PubSub+ is a complete event streaming and management platform for the real-time enterprise.
PubSub+ helps enterprises design, deploy and manage event-driven architectures across hybrid cloud, multi-cloud and IoT environments, so they can be more integrated and event-driven.
The "+" in PubSub+ means it supports a wide range of message exchange patterns beyond publish/subscribe, including request/reply, streaming and replay, as well as different qualities of service, such as best effort and guaranteed delivery. It's available as an appliance, software, and as-a-service. All options offer the same functionality and management experience.
PubSub+ lets users connect event brokers to form an event mesh - an architectural layer that supports dynamically routing events from one application to any other application no matter where those applications are deployed (no cloud, private cloud, public cloud) - so users can connect and orchestrate microservices, push events from on-premesis systems of record to cloud services, and enable digital transformation across LoBs and IoT.
Its APIs supports popular programming languages, with open APIs and protocols to connect to any application, providing a best-in-class approach to messaging to never get locked in to any technology — including the vendor's own.