Описание SpaceTime
Mireo SpaceTime is a scalable and ultra-fast database and query engine, designed and implemented specifically for the analysis of data coming from moving objects, such as vehicles or mobile operator's customers.
The blazing speed of the system shows that behavioral feature extraction from the data of the moving objects does not need to take hours or days - SpaceTime smashes the query execution time to even under a second on a database holding hundreds of billions of GPS probes. That sheer speed is a value that very often makes the difference between the success and failure of some analysis or AI model built upon the data.
Sitting on an enormous pile of moving objects data, and attempting to monetize them is by no means an easy task. SpaceTime enables this monetization. In addition, it is very cost-effective: for collecting and processing data from 100,000 vehicles it suffices to set up a cluster of 4 commodity-grade machines.
SpaceTime implements a standard ANSI SQL with few extensions specific to the moving objects data environment. Notably, extensions are designed to simplify spatial operations and access to map data. The provided REST JSON interface enables extremely simple integration with 3rd party services that consume data.
SpaceTime database, like other NewSQL databases, is designed from the ground up as a horizontally scalable architecture with partitioning, sharding, and clustering techniques built in the core of its engine while maintaining ACID semantics. It is natively multi-tenant, secure, highly available, and fault-tolerant.